With a steady stream of new releases, it’s easy to miss out on some of the 3DS eShop’s great games. In this episode of the Random Nintendo Podcast, we share our thoughts on two of those gems, Dillon’s Rolling Western and the Game Boy version of Donkey Kong, as well as the new demos of Lego Batman 2 and The Amazing Spider-Man. We also discuss the biggest E3 2012 news scraps, including even more Wii U tidbits, what’s in store for Zelda on 3DS, and the first details on the Wii’s Kirby anniversary compilation.

Which eShop games do you think are the best? Let us know in the comments section and we’ll be sure to mention them in future episodes. We would also love to hear what you think of this episode and the RN Podcast as a whole, so please leave us your comments and suggestions.

As always, if you would like to learn more about any of the topics discussed on today’s episode, we have provided links below. Enjoy!



One Comment

  1. The trophie for Red Dead actually required me to just run away from the U.S Marshals while riding the Hungarian half-bred horse. Still specific but not as specific as taking a certain route.

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